The company

Our business is located in Buccinasco

Via dei Gelsi, 1 / C - 20090 Buccinasco (MI)

Attention: if you are nearby, we will be happy to welcome you to deliver your purchases in person and to tell you about each of our products live. 


This is where all our business is concentrated: cosmetic production, packaging, shipping and offices.



All our products are made in our workshop. Aware of the importance of the cosmetic product for the person, we have relied on a leading company in the consultancy sector Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), according to ISO 22716: 2007. Together with them, we have drawn up the relative GMP manual, containing almost one hundred pages of rules that we are committed to respecting during every single phase of production. 

We are proud of do not delegate to "subcontractor laboratories" production of our cosmetics. In this way we have the possibility to follow and control the entire supply chain, from the choice of raw materials to the fulfillment of each order.

The packaging

Packaging is the link between manufacturing and shipping. In this phase, the quality control of the products and their packaging are carried out to give you the revolutionary experience WITHOUT PLASTIC.

The expedition

Finally, we ship your packages throughout the week with rigor and dynamism. This is the tail of the supply chain, but it is equally important because it will be the last point of contact between you and our products!

Your orders are automatically captured and displayed on screens so they can be processed with care. One last check before closing the package and affixing the shipping label. 

The offices

The offices, of equal importance, bring together the division Commercial with customer service, the division Administrative, which brings together the purchasing, accounting and human resources and finally the division Brand, where the marketing, communication, graphics and strategy teams work.